Table of Contents of main report.
ABCS Army Battle Command System
ACCS Army Command and Control System
adversary often used in this manual in lieu of enemy; the term enemy is reserved to indicate adversaries engaged in lethal operations against US forces
AEA army executive agent
AES Army Enterprise Strategy
ACE air combat element
AC active component
ACU area common user
ACUS Army common user system
ADP automatic data processing
ADSO assistant division signal officer
AFATDS advanced field artillery tactical data system
AFGWC Air Force Global Weather Central
AGCCS Army Global Command and Control System
AHFEWS Army High Frequency Electronic Warfare System
AID United States Agency for International Development
AMOPES Army Mobilization and Operations Planning and Execution System
ANGLICO air/naval gunfire liaison company
AO area of operation
AOR area of responsibility
appliqué a family of laptop-sized computers connected to navigation devices and radios to provide processing and display capabilities to platforms without an embedded processor
appreciation personal conclusions, official estimates, and assumptions about another party's intentions, capabilities, and activities used in planning and decision making
ARAT-TA Army Reprogramming Analysis Team-Threat Analysis
ARCENT Army component to Central Command
ARFOR Army force headquarters
ARSOF Army special operations forces
ASAS all-source analysis system
ASCC Army service component command
assured communications certain electronic transmission capabilities needed throughout the strategic, operational, and tactical areas of operations
ATACMS Army Tactical Missile System
ATCCS Army Tactical Command and Control System
ATSS Army Target Sensing System
B2C2 Brigade and Below Command and Control System
battle command the art of battle decision making, leading, and motivating soldiers in their organizations into action to accomplish missions; includes visualizing current state and future state, then formulating concepts of operations to get from one to the other at least cost; also includes assigning missions, prioritizing and allocating resources, selecting the critical time and place to act, and knowing how and when to make adjustments during the fight (FM 100-5)
battle dynamics five major interrelated dynamics that define significant areas of change from current operations to Force XXI Operations; dynamics are battle command, battlespace, depth and simultaneous attack, early entry, and combat service support
battlefield visualization the process whereby the commander develops a clear understanding of the current state with relation to the enemy and environment, envisions a desired end state that represents mission accomplishment, and then subsequently visualizes the sequence of activity that moves the commander's force from its current state to the end state
battlespace components determined by the maximum capabilities of friendly and enemy forces to acquire and dominate each other by fires and maneuver and in the electromagnetic spectrum
BCE battlefield coordination element
BCTP Battle Command Training Program
BDA battle damage assessment
BOS battlefield operating system
C2 command and control
C2-attack command and control-attack
C2-protect command and control-protect
C2W command and control warfare
C2W-I command and control warfare-intelligence
C3I command, control, communications, and intelligence
C4 command, control, communications, and computers
C4FMO command, control, communications, and computers for mobile operations
C4I command, control, communications, computers, and intelligence
CA civil affairs
CCIR commander's critical information requirements
CEOI communications-electronics operation instructions
CERT computer emergency response team
CI counterintelligence
CIA Central Intelligence Agency
CINC commander-in-chief
CIOS commander's information operations staff
CIOSO commander's information operations staff officer
CJCS Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
CJCSI Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Instruction
CJCS MOP Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Memorandum of Policy
CMO civil-military operations
CMOC civil-military operations center
CNR combat net radio
COA course of action
COE common operating environment
command and control the exercise of authority and direction by a properly designated commander over assigned or attached forces in the accomplishment of the mission; C2 functions are performed through an arrangement of personnel, equipment, communications, computers, facilities, and procedures employed by a commander in planning, directing, coordinating, and controlling forces and operations in the accomplishment of the mission (Joint Pub 1-02)
command and the synchronized execution of actions taken to accomplish
control-attack established objectives that prevent effective C2 of adversarial forces by denying information to, by influencing, by degrading, or by destroying the adversary C2 system
command and the maintenance of effective C2 of own forces by turning to
control-protect friendly advantage or negating adversary efforts to deny information to, to influence, to degrade, or to destroy the friendly C2 system; C2-protect can be offensive or defensive in nature; offensive C2-protect uses the five elements of C2W to reduce the adversary's ability to conduct C2-attack; defensive C2-protect reduces friendly C2 vulnerabilities to adversary C2-attack by employment of adequate physical, electronic, and intelligence protection (adapted from CJCSI 3210.03)
command and control the combination of personnel, equipment, communications,
system computers, facilities, and procedures employed by the commander in planning, directing, coordinating, and controlling forces and operations in the accomplishment of the mission; the basic functions of a command and control system are sensing valid information about events and the environment, reporting information, assessing the situation and associated alternatives for action, deciding on an appropriate course of action, and ordering actions in correspondence with the decision (Joint Pub 1-02)
command and control the integrated use of operations security, military deception,
warfare psychological operations, electronic warfare, and physical destruction, mutually supported by intelligence, to deny information to, influence, degrade, or destroy adversary C2 capabilities, while protecting friendly C2 capabilities against such actions; command and control warfare applies across the operational continuum and all levels of conflict (Joint Pub 1-02)
common operating an environment that provides a familiar look, touch, sound,
environment and feel to the commander, no matter where the commander is deployed; information presentation and command, control, communication, computers, and intelligence system interfaces are maintained consistently from platform to platform, enabling the commander to focus attention on the crisis at hand; also called COE
communications a method or means of conveying information of any kind from one person or place to another (Joint Pub 1-02)
communications security the protection resulting from all measures designed to deny unauthorized persons information of value which might be derived from the possession and study of telecommunications or to mislead unauthorized persons in their interpretation of the results of such possession and study; also called COMSEC; includes cryptosecurity, transmission security, emission security, and physical security of communications security materials and information
computer security involves the measures and controls that ensure confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the information processed and stored by a computer; these include policies, procedures, and the hardware and software tools necessary to protect the computer systems and the information processed, stored, and transmitted by the systems
COMPUSEC computer security
COMSEC communications security
CONPLAN contingency plan
CONUS continental United States
counterintelligence those activities which are concerned with identifying and counteracting the threat to security posed by hostile services, organizations, or by individuals engaged in espionage, sabotage, subversion, or terrorism (Joint Pub 1-02)
COUNTERRECON counterreconnaissance
CP command post
critical information specific facts about friendly intentions, capabilities, and activities vitally needed by adversaries for them to plan and act effectively so as to guarantee failure or unacceptable consequences for friendly mission accomplishment (Joint Pub 1-02)
CSS combat service support
CTC combat training center
DALIS Disaster Assistance Logistics Information System
DAMMS-R Department of the Army Movements Management System-
DDN Defense Data Network
DDS data distribution system
DEA Drug Enforcement Agency
defense information the shared or interconnected system of computers,
infrastructure communications, data, applications, security, people, training, and other support structures serving DOD's location and worldwide information needs; the DII connects DOD mission support, command and control, and intelligence computers and users through voice, data, imagery, video, and multimedia services and provides information processing and value-added services to subscribers of the DISN
DEERS Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System
DEW directed-energy weapon
DII defense information infrastructure
DISA Defense Information Systems Agency
DISE deployable intelligence support element
DISN Defense Information Systems Network
DJMS Defense Joint Military Pay System
DOD Department of Defense
DOS Department of State
DSN Defense Switch Network
DTLOMS doctrine, training, leader development, organizations,
materiel, and soldiers
e-mail electronic mail
EA electronic attack
EAC echelons above corps
ECM electronic countermeasures
ECCM electronic counter countermeasures
EEFI essential elements of friendly Information
electromagnetic spectrum the range of frequencies of electromagnetic radiation from zero to infinity; it is divided into 26 alphabetically designated bands (Joint Pub 1-02)
electronics security the protection resulting from all measures designed to deny unauthorized persons information of value that might be derived from their interception and study of noncommunications electromagnetic radiation, e.g., radar (Joint Pub 1-02)
electronic warfare any military action involving the use of electromagnetic and directed energy to control the electromagnetic spectrum (EMS) or to attack the enemy. The three major subdivisions within electronic warfare are electronic attack (EA), electronic protection (EP), and electronic warfare support (ES)
EM electromagnetic
EMI electromagnetic interference
EMP electromagnetic pulse
EMS electromagnetic spectrum
EOB electronic order of battle
EOC emergency operations center
EP electronic protection
EPLRS enhanced position location reporting system
ES electronic warfare support
essential elements of key questions likely to be asked by adversary officials and
friendly information intelligence systems about specific friendly intentions, capabilities, and activities so they can obtain answers critical to their operational effectiveness (Joint Pub 1-02)
EW electronic warfare
EWIR electronic warfare integrated reprogramming
FAADC3I forward air defense command, control, communications,
and intelligence
FBCB2 Force XXI Battle Command Brigade and Below System
FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency
FFIR friendly forces information requirements
FM frequency modulation; field manual
force protection any collection or combination of measures to prevent or mitigate damage or disruption to an aggregation of military personnel, weapon systems, vehicles, installations, or support
FORSCOM United States Forces Command
FST field support team
full-dimensional the application of all capabilities available to an Army
operations commander to accomplish his mission decisively and at the least cost across the full range of possible operations
G2 division intelligence
G3 division operations
G5 division civil affairs
G6 division communications
GCCS Global Command and Control System
GIE global information environment
GII global information infrastructure
global information all Individuals, organizations, or systems, most of which are
environment outside the control of the military or National Command Authorities, that collect, process, and disseminate information to national and international audiences
GPS global positioning system
GR/CS Guardrail/Common Sensor
HCA host civil affairs
HF high frequency
HN host nation
HNS host nation support
HQDA Headquarters, Department of Army
HUMINT human intelligence
HVT high-value target
I&W indications and warnings
IADS Integrated Air Defense System
IBDA information battlefield damage assessment
ICP intertheater communications security package
IEW intelligence and electronic warfare
IMETS Integrated Meteorological System
information data collected from the environment and processed into a usable form
Information Age the future time period when social, cultural, and economic patterns will reflect the decentralized, nonhierarchical flow of information; contrast this to the more centralized, hierarchical, social, cultural, and economic patterns that reflect the Industrial Age's mechanization of production systems
information data bases visualization of a future system where commanders and units can continually access and update a common data base of relevant information (for example, logistics, intelligence, movement)
information dominance the degree of information superiority that allows the possessor to use information systems and capabilities to achieve an operational advantage in a conflict or to control the situation in operations other than war while denying those capabilities to the adversary
information operations continuous military operations within the military information environment that enable, enhance, and protect the friendly force's ability to collect, process, and act on information to achieve an advantage across the full range of military operations; information operations include interacting with the global information environment and exploiting or denying an adversary's information and decision capabilities
information security the protection of unauthorized access to or modification of information, whether in storage, processing, or transit, and against the denial of service to authorized users or the provision of service to unauthorized users, including those measures necessary to detect, document, and counter such threats
information systems the entire infrastructure, organization, personnel, and components that collect, process, store, transmit, display, disseminate, and act on information (Joint Pub 6-0)
information systems a composite means to protect telecommunications systems
security and automated information systems and the information they transmit and/or process
information warfare actions taken to achieve information superiority by affecting adversary information, information-based processes, information systems, and computer-based networks while defending one's own information, information-based processes, information systems and computer-based networks (CJCSI 3210.01)
INFOSEC information security
infosphere the rapidly growing global network of military and commercial command, control, communications, and computer systems and networks linking information data bases and fusion centers that are accessible to the warrior anywhere, anytime, in the performance of any mission; provides the worldwide automated information-of-exchange backbone support to joint forces; and provides seamless operations from anywhere to anywhere that is secure and transparent to the warrior; this emerging capability is highly flexible to support the adaptive command and control infrastructures of the twenty-first century
INFOSYS information systems
infrastructure the basic facilities, equipment, and installations needed for the function of a system, network, or integrated network
INMARSAT international maritime satellite
intelligence the product resulting from the collection, processing, integration, analysis, evaluation, and interpretation of available information concerning foreign countries or areas; also, information and knowledge about an adversary obtained through observation, investigation, analysis, or understanding (Joint Pub 1-02)
INTELSAT intelligence satellite
internet interoperable network
IO information operations
IOBS information operations battle staff
IOC information operations center
IPB intelligence-preparation-of-the-battlefield
ISB installation sustaining bases
ISS information systems security
ISYSCON integrated systems control
ITU International Telecommunications Union
IW information warfare
J2 joint staff intelligence
J3 joint staff operations
J5 joint staff plans and policy
J6 joint staff communications-electronics
JAARS Joint After-Action Reporting System
JCS Joint Chiefs of Staff
JC2WC Joint Command and Control Warfare Center
JCEWS joint commander's electronic warfare staff
JDISS Joint Deployable Intelligence Support System
JEWC Joint Electronic Warfare Center
JFC joint force commander
JOA joint operational area
JOPES Joint Operations Planning and Execution System
JRFL joint restricted frequency list
JSOI joint signal operating instructions
J-STARS Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar System
JTACS Joint Theater Air Control System
JTB joint targeting board
JTF joint task force
JTTP joint tactics, techniques, and procedures
JULLS Joint Universal Lessons Learned System
JWICS Joint Worldwide Intelligence Communication System
LAM Louisiana Maneuvers
LAN local area network
LCC land component commander
LIWA Land Information Warfare Activity
LO liaison officer
MACOM major Army command
MASINT measurement signature
MCS maneuver control system
METL mission-essential task list
METT-T mission, enemy, terrain, troops, and time available
MIE military information environment
MI military intelligence
MIID/IDB Military Integrated Intelligence Data Base System/
Integrated Data Base
military deception actions executed to deliberately mislead adversary military decision makers as to friendly military capabilities, intentions, and operations, thereby causing the adversary to take specific actions (or inactions) that will contribute to the accomplishment of the friendly mission
military information the environment contained within the global information
environment environment, consisting of information systems and organizations--friendly and adversary, military and nonmilitary--that support, enable, or significantly influence a specific military operation
mls multilevel security
MNS mission needs statement
MOBLAS Mobilization-Level Application Software
MP military police
MOP memorandum of policy
MSC major subordinate command
MSE mobile subscriber equipment
MTP mission training plan
NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization
NCA National Command Authorities
NEO noncombatant evacuation operations
NII national information infrastructure
NGO nongovernment organization
NMS National Military Strategy
NTSDS National Target/Threat Signature Data System
OA operational architecture
OB order of battle
ODCSOPS Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations
OOTW operations other than war
OPFOR opposing force
OPCON operational control
operations security a process of identifying critical information and subsequently analyzing friendly actions attendant to military operations and other activities; identifying those actions that can be observed by adversary intelligence systems; determining indicators adversary intelligence systems might obtain that could be interpreted or pieced together to derive critical information in time to be useful to adversaries; and selecting and executing measures that eliminate or reduce to an acceptable level the vulnerabilities of friendly actions to adversary exploitation; also called OPSEC
OPLAN operations plan
OPORD operations order
OPSEC operations security
OPTEMPO operation tempo
PA public affairs
PAO public affairs officer
PC personal computer
PEO program executive office
PIR priority intelligence requirements
physical destruction the application of combat power to destroy or neutralize enemy forces and installations; includes direct and indirect fires from ground, sea, and air forces; also includes direct actions by special operations forces
physical security that part of security concerned with physical measures designed to safeguard personnel, to prevent unauthorized access to equipment, installations, material and documents, and to safeguard them against espionage, sabotage, damage, and theft (Joint Pub 1-02)
PM project manager
POS/NAV position/navigation
PRC populace and resource control
priority intelligence those intelligence requirements for which a commander has
requirements an anticipated and stated priority in his task of planning and decision making (Joint Pub 1-02)
PSN public switch network
psychological operations operations to convey selected information and indicators to foreign audiences to influence their emotions, motives, objective reasoning, and, ultimately, the behavior of foreign governments, organizations, groups, and individuals; the purpose of PSYOP is to induce or reinforce foreign attitudes and behavior favorable to the originator's objectives
PSYOP psychological operations
PVO private voluntary organization
RAP remedial action project
RC reserve components
RCAS Reserve Component Automation System
RCP relevant common picture
RDT&E research, development, test, and evaluation
RECBASS Reception Battalion Automated Support System
RECON reconnaissance
relevant common picture the aggregate of data that is shared among all friendly forces
of the battlefield on the disposition of friendly and enemy force; this data is used to build a tailored relevant graphic display for the warfighter that increases in detail shown as the echelon served is closer to the soldier; commonly called situational awareness
relevant information information drawn from the military information environment that significantly impacts, contributes to, or is related to the execution of the operational mission at hand
RII relevant information and intelligence
RISC reduced instruction set computing
RISTA reconnaissance, intelligence, surveillance, and target acquisition
ROE rules of engagement
SAMS-I/TDA Standard Army Maintenance System-Installation/
Table of Distribution and Allowances
SARSS-O Standard Army Retail Supply System-Objective
SF Special Forces
SIDPERS Standard Installation/Division Personnel System
SIGINT signals intelligence
signal security a generic term that includes both communications security and electronic security (Joint Pub 1-02)
SIGSEC signal security
SINCGARS single-channel ground and airborne radio system
SJA staff judge advocate
SOF special operations forces
SOP standard operating procedure
SPBS-R Standard Property Book System-Redesign
spectrum management planning, coordinating, and managing operational, engineering, and administrative procedures, with the objective of enabling electronic systems to perform their functions in the intended environment without causing or suffering unacceptable interference (Joint Pub 1-02)
STAMIS Standard Army Management Information Systems
STO special technical operations
STOD special technical operations division
TAA total Army analysis
tactical internet a battlefield communication system networked together using commercially based internet protocols
TAMMIS The Army Munitions Management Information System
TAFIM technical architectural framework for information management
TEARS Telecommunications Equipment Automated Retrieval System
TECHINT technical intelligence
TF task force
TPN tactical packet network
TRADOC United States Army Training and Doctrine Command
TRANSEC transmission security
transmission security see communications security
TRI-TAC triservice tactical
TROJAN-SPIRIT TROJAN-special purpose integrated remote intelligence terminal
TSP training support package
TSS target-sensing system
TTP tactics, techniques, and procedures
UAV unmanned aerial vehicle
UHF ultrahigh frequency
ULLS unit-level logistics system
UN United Nations
US United States
USAF United States Air Force
USAID United States Agency for International Development
USAINSCOM United States Army Information Systems Command
USIA United States Information Agency
USN United States Navy
USSOCOM United States Special Operations Command
VHF very high frequency
WAN wide area network